Welcome to Aarhus University Sport!
Contact us via kommunikation@aus.au.dk in case you have additional questions.
In Aarhus University Sport (AU-Sport) we work to connect students from different backgrounds and fields of study through sports. Join one of our clubs if you want to have fun and meet new people!
AU-Sport is an umbrella organisation that cooperates with 18 different independent sports clubs. We offer a wide range of sports activities for all students in Aarhus! All students - both Danish and international are very welcome. Our 18 clubs offer everything from chess to swimming to football. We also have our own gym hall, which all students can book and use with friends and fellow students.
AU-Sport also organizes Danmarks Største Fredagsbar og Idrætsdag (Denmarks Largest Friday Bar and Sports Day), which takes place every year in September. We and our 18 clubs organize various tournaments and activities throughout the day. The purpose of the day is to give students the opportunity to play, compete and have fun together - to give all students the feeling of being a part of a greater community.
Note: If you are interested in signing up for a sportsclub please send an e-mail to the respective club or visit their Facebook page to chat with them. If there are any problems with signing up or getting the desired, information please send an e-mail to kommunikation@aus.au.dk
Check out the various clubs we represent here:
Website: www.akademisk-badminton.dk
Facebook: Akademisk Badmintonklub
Website: www.as-aarhus.dk
Website: www.asv.dk
Facebook: ASV
Website: www.ausbasket.dk
Facebook: AUS Basket
Website: www.jai-fodbold.dk
Facebook: JAI Fodbold
Website: www.asg.dk
Facebook: ASG - Aarhus Studenter Gymnastik & Fitness
Website: www.jaihaandbold.dk
Facebook: JAI Håndbold
Website: www.jaf.dk
Facebook: Jysk Akademisk Fægteklub
Website: www.sk1968.dk
Facebook: SK1968
Website: www.ass.dk
Facebook: Århus Studenternes Svømmeklub
Webside: www.kenikan.dk
Facebook: Kenikan
Website: www.lommeulken.dk
Facebook: Lommeulken – Vi ska’ nok få den op
Website: www.taaf.dk
Facebook: Team Århus Floorball
Website: www.asr.dk
Facebook: Aarhus Studenter Roklub
Website: www.jyskakademisk.dk
Facebook: Jydsk Akademisk Jagtforening
Ultimate Frisbee
Website: www.aarhusultimate.dk
Facebook: Aarhus Ultimate
Adventure Race
Website: www.aarhusadventure.dk
Facebook: Aarhus Adventure
Website: www.asc-cykling.org
Facebook: Aarhus Studenternes Cykelklub - ASC Cykling
At Aarhus University Sports, we’ve established an awesome collaboration with Annexhallen—a large sports hall located just a five-minute walk from Nobelparken!
Annexhallen, built in 1953 and continuously modernized, features six badminton courts that YOU, as a student at Aarhus University, can rent at an affordable price! So if you’re up for a game of badminton without breaking your student budget.
Starting from September 24th, 2024, we’ll reopen bookings for Annexhallen’s badminton courts every Tuesday from 11:00 pm to 3:00 AM and Thursday from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. You can book one hour at a time, but feel free to reserve as many courts and hours as you like!
YOU CAN BOOK A COURT VIA THIS LINK: https://aus.zakobo.dk
Instead of our annual ski trips, AU-Sport goes on a surf trip!
In collaboration with De Brede Planker, we are traveling on a surf trip to Agadir in Morocco in Easter 2025.
Are you also afraid of going into a longer period without the prospect of traveling and getting a shot of vitamin D in your body? Fear not and join us on a surf camp to Morocco with De Brede Planker in Easter 2025! So take your surf buddy under your arm or come alone, and we'll turn our backs on the cold and exams and jump down to sun, waves and exotic food.
Price DKK 3500. excluding plane tickets
Board, accommodation and surfing lessons are included in the price.
Register here: https://dbpadventures.com/rejser/aarhus-universitets-sport-surftur/
Follow our social media for more information
Denmark's Largest Friday Bar & Sports Day
Every year in September Aarhus Universitets-Sport organises Danmarks Største Fredagsbar og Idrætsdag (Denmark's Largest Friday Bar and Sports Day) in cooperation with Studenterrådet.
The event is a day full of sports and music for the students at Aarhus University and other higher educations in Aarhus. The day starts with various sports tournaments and activities, which Aarhus University Sport and our 18 sports clubs organize. Students compete against each other in a wide variety of sports where everyone has the opportunity to participate. In the afternoon and until midnight various music stages provide a great and festive atmosphere for the guests. The music program always contains a wide range of artists!
The purpose of the event is that students get the opportunity to compete, play and socialise with each other across different educational backgrounds.
All in all, Denmark's Greatest Friday Bar and Sports Day gives the students a feeling of being part of a greater community.
You can find more information on www.storfredag.dk or on Facebook: Danmarks Største Fredagsbar og Idrætsdag.